
Downloading utilities for urls.

Download Objects

class Download(BaseDownload)


Download class with various download operations. Requires either global user agent to be set or appropriate user agent parameter(s) to be completed.


  • user_agent Optional[str] - User agent string. HDXPythonUtilities/X.X.X- is prefixed.
  • user_agent_config_yaml Optional[str] - Path to YAML user agent configuration. Ignored if user_agent supplied. Defaults to ~/.useragent.yaml.
  • user_agent_lookup Optional[str] - Lookup key for YAML. Ignored if user_agent supplied.
  • use_env bool - Whether to read environment variables. Defaults to True.
  • fail_on_missing_file bool - Raise an exception if any specified configuration files are missing. Defaults to True.
  • verify bool - Whether to verify SSL certificates. Defaults to True.
  • rate_limit Optional[Dict] - Rate limiting per host eg. {"calls": 1, "period": 0.1}. Defaults to None.
  • **kwargs - See below
  • auth Tuple[str, str] - Authorisation information in tuple form (user, pass) OR
  • basic_auth str - Authorisation information in basic auth string form (Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) OR
  • basic_auth_file str - Path to file containing authorisation information in basic auth string form (Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
  • bearer_token str - Bearer token string OR
  • bearer_token_file str - Path to file containing bearer token string OR
  • extra_params_dict Dict[str, str] - Extra parameters to put on end of url as a dictionary OR
  • extra_params_json str - Path to JSON file containing extra parameters to put on end of url OR
  • extra_params_yaml str - Path to YAML file containing extra parameters to put on end of url
  • extra_params_lookup str - Lookup key for parameters. If not given assumes parameters are at root of the dict.
  • headers Dict - Additional headers to add to request.
  • use_auth str - If more than one auth found, specify which one to use, rather than failing.
  • status_forcelist ListTuple[int] - HTTP statuses for which to force retry
  • allowed_methods iterable - HTTP methods for which to force retry. Defaults t0 frozenset(['GET']).


def close_response() -> None


Close response.




def close() -> None


Close response and session.




def __exit__(exc_type: Any, exc_value: Any, traceback: Any) -> None


Allow usage of with.


  • exc_type Any - Exception type
  • exc_value Any - Exception value
  • traceback Any - Traceback




def get_path_for_url(url: str,
                     folder: Optional[str] = None,
                     filename: Optional[str] = None,
                     path: Optional[str] = None,
                     overwrite: bool = False,
                     keep: bool = False) -> str


Get filename from url and join to provided folder or temporary folder if no folder supplied, ensuring uniqueness.


  • url str - URL to download
  • folder Optional[str] - Folder to download it to. Defaults to None (temporary folder).
  • filename Optional[str] - Filename to use for downloaded file. Defaults to None (derive from the url).
  • path Optional[str] - Full path to use for downloaded file. Defaults to None (use folder and filename).
  • overwrite bool - Whether to overwrite existing file. Defaults to False.
  • keep bool - Whether to keep already downloaded file. Defaults to False.


  • str - Path of downloaded file


def get_full_url(url: str) -> str


Get full url including any additional parameters.


  • url str - URL for which to get full url


  • str - Full url including any additional parameters


def get_url_for_get(url: str, parameters: Optional[Dict] = None) -> str


Get full url for GET request including parameters.


  • url str - URL to download
  • parameters Optional[Dict] - Parameters to pass. Defaults to None.


  • str - Full url


def get_url_params_for_post(url: str,
                            parameters: Optional[Dict] = None
                            ) -> Tuple[str, Dict]


Get full url for POST request and all parameters including any in the url.


  • url str - URL to download
  • parameters Optional[Dict] - Parameters to pass. Defaults to None.


Tuple[str, Dict]: (Full url, parameters)


def hxl_row(headers: ListTuple[str],
            hxltags: Dict[str, str],
            dict_form: bool = False) -> Union[List[str], Dict[str, str]]


Return HXL tag row for header row given list of headers and dictionary with header to HXL hashtag mappings. Return list or dictionary depending upon the dict_form argument.


  • headers ListTuple[str] - Headers for which to get HXL hashtags
  • hxltags Dict[str,str] - Header to HXL hashtag mapping
  • dict_form bool - Return dict or list. Defaults to False (list)


  • Union[List[str],Dict[str,str]] - Return either a list or dictionary conating HXL hashtags


def normal_setup(url: str,
                 stream: bool = True,
                 post: bool = False,
                 parameters: Optional[Dict] = None,
                 timeout: Optional[float] = None,
                 headers: Optional[Dict] = None,
                 encoding: Optional[str] = None) -> requests.Response


Setup download from provided url returning the response.


  • url str - URL or path to download
  • stream bool - Whether to stream download. Defaults to True.
  • post bool - Whether to use POST instead of GET. Defaults to False.
  • parameters Optional[Dict] - Parameters to pass. Defaults to None.
  • timeout Optional[float] - Timeout for connecting to URL. Defaults to None (no timeout).
  • headers Optional[Dict] - Headers to pass. Defaults to None.
  • encoding Optional[str] - Encoding to use for text response. Defaults to None (best guess).


  • requests.Response - requests.Response object


def set_bearer_token(bearer_token: str) -> None


Set bearer token


  • bearer_token str - Bearer token




def hash_stream(url: str) -> str


Stream file from url and hash it using MD5. Must call setup method first.


  • url str - URL or path to download


  • str - MD5 hash of file


def stream_path(path: str, errormsg: str)


Stream file from url and store in provided path. Must call setup method first.


  • path str - Path for downloaded file
  • errormsg str - Error message to display if there is a problem


  • str - Path of downloaded file


def stream_file(url: str,
                folder: Optional[str] = None,
                filename: Optional[str] = None,
                path: Optional[str] = None,
                overwrite: bool = False,
                keep: bool = False) -> str


Stream file from url and store in provided folder or temporary folder if no folder supplied. Must call setup method first.


  • url str - URL or path to download
  • folder Optional[str] - Folder to download it to. Defaults to None (temporary folder).
  • filename Optional[str] - Filename to use for downloaded file. Defaults to None (derive from the url).
  • path Optional[str] - Full path to use for downloaded file. Defaults to None (use folder and filename).
  • overwrite bool - Whether to overwrite existing file. Defaults to False.
  • keep bool - Whether to keep already downloaded file. Defaults to False.


  • str - Path of downloaded file


def download_file(url: str, **kwargs: Any) -> str


Download file from url and store in provided folder or temporary folder if no folder supplied.


  • url str - URL or path to download
  • **kwargs - See below
  • folder str - Folder to download it to. Defaults to temporary folder.
  • filename str - Filename to use for downloaded file. Defaults to deriving from url.
  • path str - Full path to use for downloaded file instead of folder and filename.
  • overwrite bool - Whether to overwrite existing file. Defaults to False.
  • keep bool - Whether to keep already downloaded file. Defaults to False.
  • post bool - Whether to use POST instead of GET. Defaults to False.
  • parameters Dict - Parameters to pass. Defaults to None.
  • timeout float - Timeout for connecting to URL. Defaults to None (no timeout).
  • headers Dict - Headers to pass. Defaults to None.
  • encoding str - Encoding to use for text response. Defaults to None (best guess).


  • str - Path of downloaded file


def download(url: str, **kwargs: Any) -> requests.Response


Download url.


  • url str - URL or path to download
  • **kwargs - See below
  • post bool - Whether to use POST instead of GET. Defaults to False.
  • parameters Dict - Parameters to pass. Defaults to None.
  • timeout float - Timeout for connecting to URL. Defaults to None (no timeout).
  • headers Dict - Headers to pass. Defaults to None.
  • encoding str - Encoding to use for text response. Defaults to None (best guess).


  • requests.Response - Response


def get_header(header: str) -> Any


Get a particular response header of download.


  • header str - Header for which to get value


  • Any - Response header's value


def get_headers() -> Any


Get response headers of download.


  • Any - Response headers


def get_status() -> int


Get response status code.


  • int - Response status code


def get_text() -> str


Get text content of download.


  • str - Text content of download


def get_yaml() -> Any


Get YAML content of download.


  • Any - YAML content of download


def get_json() -> Any


Get JSON content of download.


  • Any - JSON content of download


def download_text(url: str, **kwargs: Any) -> str


Download url as text.


  • url str - URL or path to download
  • **kwargs - See below
  • post bool - Whether to use POST instead of GET. Defaults to False.
  • parameters Dict - Parameters to pass. Defaults to None.
  • timeout float - Timeout for connecting to URL. Defaults to None (no timeout).
  • headers Dict - Headers to pass. Defaults to None.
  • encoding str - Encoding to use for text response. Defaults to None (best guess).


  • str - Text content of download


def download_yaml(url: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Any


Download url as YAML.


  • url str - URL or path to download
  • **kwargs - See below
  • post bool - Whether to use POST instead of GET. Defaults to False.
  • parameters Dict - Parameters to pass. Defaults to None.
  • timeout float - Timeout for connecting to URL. Defaults to None (no timeout).
  • headers Dict - Headers to pass. Defaults to None.
  • encoding str - Encoding to use for text response. Defaults to None (best guess).


  • str - YAML content of download


def download_json(url: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Any


Download url as JSON.


  • url str - URL or path to download
  • **kwargs - See below
  • post bool - Whether to use POST instead of GET. Defaults to False.
  • parameters Dict - Parameters to pass. Defaults to None.
  • timeout float - Timeout for connecting to URL. Defaults to None (no timeout).
  • headers Dict - Headers to pass. Defaults to None.
  • encoding str - Encoding to use for text response. Defaults to None (best guess).


  • str - JSON content of download


def get_frictionless_tableresource(url: str,
                                   ignore_blank_rows: bool = True,
                                   infer_types: bool = False,
                                   **kwargs: Any) -> TableResource


Get Frictionless TableResource.


  • url str - URL or path to download
  • ignore_blank_rows bool - Whether to ignore blank rows. Defaults to True.
  • infer_types bool - Whether to infer types. Defaults to False (strings). **kwargs:
  • has_header bool - Whether data has a header. Defaults to True.
  • headers Union[int, ListTuple[int], ListTuple[str]] - Number of row(s) containing headers or list of headers
  • columns Union[ListTuple[int], ListTuple[str], None] - Columns to pick. Defaults to all.
  • format Optional[str] - Type of file. Defaults to inferring.
  • file_type Optional[str] - Type of file. Defaults to inferring.
  • encoding Optional[str] - Type of encoding. Defaults to inferring.
  • compression Optional[str] - Type of compression. Defaults to inferring.
  • delimiter Optional[str] - Delimiter for values in csv rows. Defaults to inferring.
  • skip_initial_space bool - Ignore whitespace straight after delimiter. Defaults to False.
  • sheet Optional[Union[int, str] - Sheet in Excel. Defaults to inferring.
  • fill_merged_cells bool - Whether to fill merged cells. Defaults to True.
  • http_session Session - Session object to use. Defaults to downloader session.
  • columns Union[ListTuple[int], ListTuple[str], None] - Columns to pick. Defaults to all.
  • default_type Optional[str] - Default field type if infer_types False. Defaults to string.
  • float_numbers bool - Use float not Decimal if infer_types True. Defaults to True.
  • null_values List[Any] - Values that will return None. Defaults to [""].
  • dialect Dialect - This can be set to override the above. See Frictionless docs.
  • detector Detector - This can be set to override the above. See Frictionless docs.
  • layout Layout - This can be set to override the above. See Frictionless docs.
  • schema Schema - This can be set to override the above. See Frictionless docs.


  • TableResource - frictionless TableResource object


def get_tabular_rows(url: Union[str, ListTuple[str]],
                     has_hxl: bool = False,
                     headers: Union[int, ListTuple[int], ListTuple[str]] = 1,
                     dict_form: bool = False,
                     include_headers: bool = False,
                     ignore_blank_rows: bool = True,
                     infer_types: bool = False,
                     header_insertions: Optional[ListTuple[Tuple[int,
                                                                 str]]] = None,
                     row_function: Optional[Callable[[List[str], ListDict],
                                                     ListDict]] = None,
                     **kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[List[str], Iterator[ListDict]]


Returns header of tabular file(s) pointed to by url and an iterator where each row is returned as a list or dictionary depending on the dict_rows argument.

When a list of urls is supplied (in url), then the has_hxl flag indicates if the files are HXLated so that the HXL row is only included from the first file. The headers argument is either a row number or list of row numbers (in case of multi-line headers) to be considered as headers (rows start counting at 1), or the actual headers defined as a list of strings. It defaults to 1. The dict_form argument specifies if each row should be returned as a dictionary or a list, defaulting to a list.

Optionally, headers can be inserted at specific positions. This is achieved using the header_insertions argument. If supplied, it is a list of tuples of the form (position, header) to be inserted. A function is called for each row. If supplied, it takes as arguments: headers (prior to any insertions) and row (which will be in dict or list form depending upon the dict_rows argument) and outputs a modified row or None to ignore the row.


  • url Union[str, ListTuple[str]] - A single or list of URLs or paths to read from
  • has_hxl bool - Whether files have HXL hashtags. Ignored for single url. Defaults to False.
  • headers Union[int, ListTuple[int], ListTuple[str]] - Number of row(s) containing headers or list of headers. Defaults to 1.
  • dict_form bool - Return dict or list for each row. Defaults to False (list)
  • include_headers bool - Whether to include headers in iterator. Defaults to False.
  • ignore_blank_rows bool - Whether to ignore blank rows. Defaults to True.
  • infer_types bool - Whether to infer types. Defaults to False (strings).
  • header_insertions Optional[ListTuple[Tuple[int,str]]] - List of (position, header) to insert. Defaults to None.
  • row_function Optional[Callable[[List[str],ListDict],ListDict]] - Function to call for each row. Defaults to None. **kwargs:
  • format Optional[str] - Type of file. Defaults to inferring.
  • file_type Optional[str] - Type of file. Defaults to inferring.
  • encoding Optional[str] - Type of encoding. Defaults to inferring.
  • compression Optional[str] - Type of compression. Defaults to inferring.
  • delimiter Optional[str] - Delimiter for values in csv rows. Defaults to inferring.
  • skip_initial_space bool - Ignore whitespace straight after delimiter. Defaults to False.
  • sheet Optional[Union[int, str] - Sheet in Excel. Defaults to inferring.
  • fill_merged_cells bool - Whether to fill merged cells. Defaults to True.
  • http_session Session - Session object to use. Defaults to downloader session.
  • columns Union[ListTuple[int], ListTuple[str], None] - Columns to pick. Defaults to all.
  • default_type Optional[str] - Default field type if infer_types False. Defaults to string.
  • float_numbers bool - Use float not Decimal if infer_types True. Defaults to True.
  • null_values List[Any] - Values that will return None. Defaults to [""].
  • dialect Dialect - This can be set to override the above. See Frictionless docs.
  • detector Detector - This can be set to override the above. See Frictionless docs.
  • layout Layout - This can be set to override the above. See Frictionless docs.
  • schema Schema - This can be set to override the above. See Frictionless docs.


  • Tuple[List[str],Iterator[ListDict]] - Tuple (headers, iterator where each row is a list or dictionary)


def get_tabular_rows_as_list(
        url: Union[str, ListTuple[str]],
        has_hxl: bool = False,
        headers: Union[int, ListTuple[int], ListTuple[str]] = 1,
        include_headers: bool = True,
        ignore_blank_rows: bool = True,
        infer_types: bool = False,
        header_insertions: Optional[ListTuple[Tuple[int, str]]] = None,
        row_function: Optional[Callable[[List[str], ListDict],
                                        ListDict]] = None,
        **kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[List[str], Iterator[List]]


Returns headers and an iterator where each row is returned as a list.

When a list of urls is supplied (in url), then the has_hxl flag indicates if the files are HXLated so that the HXL row is only included from the first file. The headers argument is either a row number or list of row numbers (in case of multi-line headers) to be considered as headers (rows start counting at 1), or the actual headers defined as a list of strings. It defaults to 1 and cannot be None.

Optionally, headers can be inserted at specific positions. This is achieved using the header_insertions argument. If supplied, it is a list of tuples of the form (position, header) to be inserted. A function is called for each row. If supplied, it takes as arguments: headers (prior to any insertions) and row (which will be in dict or list form depending upon the dict_rows argument) and outputs a modified row or None to ignore the row.


  • url Union[str, ListTuple[str]] - A single or list of URLs or paths to read from
  • has_hxl bool - Whether files have HXL hashtags. Ignored for single url. Defaults to False.
  • headers Union[int, ListTuple[int], ListTuple[str]] - Number of row(s) containing headers or list of headers. Defaults to 1.
  • include_headers bool - Whether to include headers in iterator. Defaults to True.
  • ignore_blank_rows bool - Whether to ignore blank rows. Defaults to True.
  • infer_types bool - Whether to infer types. Defaults to False (strings).
  • header_insertions Optional[ListTuple[Tuple[int,str]]] - List of (position, header) to insert. Defaults to None.
  • row_function Optional[Callable[[List[str],ListDict],ListDict]] - Function to call for each row. Defaults to None. **kwargs:
  • format Optional[str] - Type of file. Defaults to inferring.
  • file_type Optional[str] - Type of file. Defaults to inferring.
  • encoding Optional[str] - Type of encoding. Defaults to inferring.
  • compression Optional[str] - Type of compression. Defaults to inferring.
  • delimiter Optional[str] - Delimiter for values in csv rows. Defaults to inferring.
  • skip_initial_space bool - Ignore whitespace straight after delimiter. Defaults to False.
  • sheet Optional[Union[int, str] - Sheet in Excel. Defaults to inferring.
  • fill_merged_cells bool - Whether to fill merged cells. Defaults to True.
  • http_session Session - Session object to use. Defaults to downloader session.
  • columns Union[ListTuple[int], ListTuple[str], None] - Columns to pick. Defaults to all.
  • default_type Optional[str] - Default field type if infer_types False. Defaults to string.
  • float_numbers bool - Use float not Decimal if infer_types True. Defaults to True.
  • null_values List[Any] - Values that will return None. Defaults to [""].
  • dialect Dialect - This can be set to override the above. See Frictionless docs.
  • detector Detector - This can be set to override the above. See Frictionless docs.
  • layout Layout - This can be set to override the above. See Frictionless docs.
  • schema Schema - This can be set to override the above. See Frictionless docs.


  • Tuple[List[str],Iterator[List]] - Tuple (headers, iterator where each row is a list)


def get_tabular_rows_as_dict(
        url: Union[str, ListTuple[str]],
        has_hxl: bool = False,
        headers: Union[int, ListTuple[int], ListTuple[str]] = 1,
        ignore_blank_rows: bool = True,
        infer_types: bool = False,
        header_insertions: Optional[ListTuple[Tuple[int, str]]] = None,
        row_function: Optional[Callable[[List[str], ListDict],
                                        ListDict]] = None,
        **kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[List[str], Iterator[Dict]]


Returns headers and an iterator where each row is returned as a dictionary.

When a list of urls is supplied (in url), then the has_hxl flag indicates if the files are HXLated so that the HXL row is only included from the first file. The headers argument is either a row number or list of row numbers (in case of multi-line headers) to be considered as headers (rows start counting at 1), or the actual headers defined as a list of strings. It defaults to 1 and cannot be None.

Optionally, headers can be inserted at specific positions. This is achieved using the header_insertions argument. If supplied, it is a list of tuples of the form (position, header) to be inserted. A function is called for each row. If supplied, it takes as arguments: headers (prior to any insertions) and row (which will be in dict or list form depending upon the dict_rows argument) and outputs a modified row or None to ignore the row.


  • url Union[str, ListTuple[str]] - A single or list of URLs or paths to read from
  • has_hxl bool - Whether files have HXL hashtags. Ignored for single url. Defaults to False.
  • headers Union[int, ListTuple[int], ListTuple[str]] - Number of row(s) containing headers or list of headers. Defaults to 1.
  • ignore_blank_rows bool - Whether to ignore blank rows. Defaults to True.
  • infer_types bool - Whether to infer types. Defaults to False (strings).
  • header_insertions Optional[ListTuple[Tuple[int,str]]] - List of (position, header) to insert. Defaults to None.
  • row_function Optional[Callable[[List[str],ListDict],ListDict]] - Function to call for each row. Defaults to None. **kwargs:
  • format Optional[str] - Type of file. Defaults to inferring.
  • file_type Optional[str] - Type of file. Defaults to inferring.
  • encoding Optional[str] - Type of encoding. Defaults to inferring.
  • compression Optional[str] - Type of compression. Defaults to inferring.
  • delimiter Optional[str] - Delimiter for values in csv rows. Defaults to inferring.
  • skip_initial_space bool - Ignore whitespace straight after delimiter. Defaults to False.
  • sheet Optional[Union[int, str] - Sheet in Excel. Defaults to inferring.
  • fill_merged_cells bool - Whether to fill merged cells. Defaults to True.
  • http_session Session - Session object to use. Defaults to downloader session.
  • columns Union[ListTuple[int], ListTuple[str], None] - Columns to pick. Defaults to all.
  • default_type Optional[str] - Default field type if infer_types False. Defaults to string.
  • float_numbers bool - Use float not Decimal if infer_types True. Defaults to True.
  • null_values List[Any] - Values that will return None. Defaults to [""].
  • dialect Dialect - This can be set to override the above. See Frictionless docs.
  • detector Detector - This can be set to override the above. See Frictionless docs.
  • layout Layout - This can be set to override the above. See Frictionless docs.
  • schema Schema - This can be set to override the above. See Frictionless docs.


Tuple[List[str], Iterator[Dict]]: Tuple (headers, iterator where each row is a dictionary)


def download_tabular_key_value(
        url: Union[str, ListTuple[str]],
        has_hxl: bool = False,
        headers: Union[int, ListTuple[int], ListTuple[str]] = 1,
        include_headers: bool = True,
        ignore_blank_rows: bool = True,
        infer_types: bool = False,
        header_insertions: Optional[ListTuple[Tuple[int, str]]] = None,
        row_function: Optional[Callable[[List[str], ListDict],
                                        ListDict]] = None,
        **kwargs: Any) -> Dict


Download 2 column csv from url and return a dictionary of keys (first column) and values (second column).

When a list of urls is supplied (in url), then the has_hxl flag indicates if the files are HXLated so that the HXL row is only included from the first file. The headers argument is either a row number or list of row numbers (in case of multi-line headers) to be considered as headers (rows start counting at 1), or the actual headers defined as a list of strings. It defaults to 1 and cannot be None.

Optionally, headers can be inserted at specific positions. This is achieved using the header_insertions argument. If supplied, it is a list of tuples of the form (position, header) to be inserted. A function is called for each row. If supplied, it takes as arguments: headers (prior to any insertions) and row (which will be in dict or list form depending upon the dict_rows argument) and outputs a modified row or None to ignore the row.


  • url Union[str, ListTuple[str]] - A single or list of URLs or paths to read from
  • has_hxl bool - Whether files have HXL hashtags. Ignored for single url. Defaults to False.
  • headers Union[int, ListTuple[int], ListTuple[str]] - Number of row(s) containing headers or list of headers. Defaults to 1.
  • include_headers bool - Whether to include headers in iterator. Defaults to True.
  • ignore_blank_rows bool - Whether to ignore blank rows. Defaults to True.
  • infer_types bool - Whether to infer types. Defaults to False (strings).
  • header_insertions Optional[ListTuple[Tuple[int,str]]] - List of (position, header) to insert. Defaults to None.
  • row_function Optional[Callable[[List[str],ListDict],ListDict]] - Function to call for each row. Defaults to None. **kwargs:
  • format Optional[str] - Type of file. Defaults to inferring.
  • file_type Optional[str] - Type of file. Defaults to inferring.
  • encoding Optional[str] - Type of encoding. Defaults to inferring.
  • compression Optional[str] - Type of compression. Defaults to inferring.
  • delimiter Optional[str] - Delimiter for values in csv rows. Defaults to inferring.
  • skip_initial_space bool - Ignore whitespace straight after delimiter. Defaults to False.
  • sheet Optional[Union[int, str] - Sheet in Excel. Defaults to inferring.
  • fill_merged_cells bool - Whether to fill merged cells. Defaults to True.
  • http_session Session - Session object to use. Defaults to downloader session.
  • columns Union[ListTuple[int], ListTuple[str], None] - Columns to pick. Defaults to all.
  • default_type Optional[str] - Default field type if infer_types False. Defaults to string.
  • float_numbers bool - Use float not Decimal if infer_types True. Defaults to True.
  • null_values List[Any] - Values that will return None. Defaults to [""]
  • dialect Dialect - This can be set to override the above. See Frictionless docs.
  • detector Detector - This can be set to override the above. See Frictionless docs.
  • layout Layout - This can be set to override the above. See Frictionless docs.
  • schema Schema - This can be set to override the above. See Frictionless docs.


  • Dict - Dictionary keys (first column) and values (second column)


def download_tabular_rows_as_dicts(
        url: Union[str, ListTuple[str]],
        has_hxl: bool = False,
        headers: Union[int, ListTuple[int], ListTuple[str]] = 1,
        keycolumn: int = 1,
        ignore_blank_rows: bool = True,
        infer_types: bool = False,
        header_insertions: Optional[ListTuple[Tuple[int, str]]] = None,
        row_function: Optional[Callable[[List[str], ListDict],
                                        ListDict]] = None,
        **kwargs: Any) -> Dict[str, Dict]


Download multicolumn csv from url and return dictionary where keys are first column and values are dictionaries with keys from column headers and values from columns beneath.

When a list of urls is supplied (in url), then the has_hxl flag indicates if the files are HXLated so that the HXL row is only included from the first file. The headers argument is either a row number or list of row numbers (in case of multi-line headers) to be considered as headers (rows start counting at 1), or the actual headers defined as a list of strings. It defaults to 1 and cannot be None.

Optionally, headers can be inserted at specific positions. This is achieved using the header_insertions argument. If supplied, it is a list of tuples of the form (position, header) to be inserted. A function is called for each row. If supplied, it takes as arguments: headers (prior to any insertions) and row (which will be in dict or list form depending upon the dict_rows argument) and outputs a modified row or None to ignore the row.


  • url Union[str, ListTuple[str]] - A single or list of URLs or paths to read from
  • has_hxl bool - Whether files have HXL hashtags. Ignored for single url. Defaults to False.
  • headers Union[int, ListTuple[int], ListTuple[str]] - Number of row(s) containing headers or list of headers. Defaults to 1.
  • keycolumn int - Number of column to be used for key. Defaults to 1.
  • ignore_blank_rows bool - Whether to ignore blank rows. Defaults to True.
  • infer_types bool - Whether to infer types. Defaults to False (strings).
  • header_insertions Optional[ListTuple[Tuple[int,str]]] - List of (position, header) to insert. Defaults to None.
  • row_function Optional[Callable[[List[str],ListDict],ListDict]] - Function to call for each row. Defaults to None. **kwargs:
  • format Optional[str] - Type of file. Defaults to inferring.
  • file_type Optional[str] - Type of file. Defaults to inferring.
  • encoding Optional[str] - Type of encoding. Defaults to inferring.
  • compression Optional[str] - Type of compression. Defaults to inferring.
  • delimiter Optional[str] - Delimiter for values in csv rows. Defaults to inferring.
  • skip_initial_space bool - Ignore whitespace straight after delimiter. Defaults to False.
  • sheet Optional[Union[int, str] - Sheet in Excel. Defaults to inferring.
  • fill_merged_cells bool - Whether to fill merged cells. Defaults to True.
  • http_session Session - Session object to use. Defaults to downloader session.
  • columns Union[ListTuple[int], ListTuple[str], None] - Columns to pick. Defaults to all.
  • default_type Optional[str] - Default field type if infer_types False. Defaults to string.
  • float_numbers bool - Use float not Decimal if infer_types True. Defaults to True.
  • null_values List[Any] - Values that will return None. Defaults to [""].
  • dialect Dialect - This can be set to override the above. See Frictionless docs.
  • detector Detector - This can be set to override the above. See Frictionless docs.
  • layout Layout - This can be set to override the above. See Frictionless docs.
  • schema Schema - This can be set to override the above. See Frictionless docs.


  • Dict[str,Dict] - Dictionary where keys are first column and values are dictionaries with keys from column headers and values from columns beneath


def download_tabular_cols_as_dicts(
        url: Union[str, ListTuple[str]],
        has_hxl: bool = False,
        headers: Union[int, ListTuple[int], ListTuple[str]] = 1,
        keycolumn: int = 1,
        ignore_blank_rows: bool = True,
        infer_types: bool = False,
        header_insertions: Optional[ListTuple[Tuple[int, str]]] = None,
        row_function: Optional[Callable[[List[str], ListDict],
                                        ListDict]] = None,
        **kwargs: Any) -> Dict[str, Dict]


Download multicolumn csv from url and return dictionary where keys are header names and values are dictionaries with keys from first column and values from other columns.

When a list of urls is supplied (in url), then the has_hxl flag indicates if the files are HXLated so that the HXL row is only included from the first file. The headers argument is either a row number or list of row numbers (in case of multi-line headers) to be considered as headers (rows start counting at 1), or the actual headers defined as a list of strings. It defaults to 1 and cannot be None.

Optionally, headers can be inserted at specific positions. This is achieved using the header_insertions argument. If supplied, it is a list of tuples of the form (position, header) to be inserted. A function is called for each row. If supplied, it takes as arguments: headers (prior to any insertions) and row (which will be in dict or list form depending upon the dict_rows argument) and outputs a modified row or None to ignore the row.


  • url Union[str, ListTuple[str]] - A single or list of URLs or paths to read from
  • has_hxl bool - Whether files have HXL hashtags. Ignored for single url. Defaults to False.
  • headers Union[int, ListTuple[int], ListTuple[str]] - Number of row(s) containing headers or list of headers. Defaults to 1.
  • keycolumn int - Number of column to be used for key. Defaults to 1.
  • ignore_blank_rows bool - Whether to ignore blank rows. Defaults to True.
  • infer_types bool - Whether to infer types. Defaults to False (strings).
  • header_insertions Optional[ListTuple[Tuple[int,str]]] - List of (position, header) to insert. Defaults to None.
  • row_function Optional[Callable[[List[str],ListDict],ListDict]] - Function to call for each row. Defaults to None. **kwargs:
  • format Optional[str] - Type of file. Defaults to inferring.
  • file_type Optional[str] - Type of file. Defaults to inferring.
  • encoding Optional[str] - Type of encoding. Defaults to inferring.
  • compression Optional[str] - Type of compression. Defaults to inferring.
  • delimiter Optional[str] - Delimiter for values in csv rows. Defaults to inferring.
  • skip_initial_space bool - Ignore whitespace straight after delimiter. Defaults to False.
  • sheet Optional[Union[int, str] - Sheet in Excel. Defaults to inferring.
  • fill_merged_cells bool - Whether to fill merged cells. Defaults to True.
  • http_session Session - Session object to use. Defaults to downloader session.
  • columns Union[ListTuple[int], ListTuple[str], None] - Columns to pick. Defaults to all.
  • default_type Optional[str] - Default field type if infer_types False. Defaults to string.
  • float_numbers bool - Use float not Decimal if infer_types True. Defaults to True.
  • null_values List[Any] - Values that will return None. Defaults to [""].
  • dialect Dialect - This can be set to override the above. See Frictionless docs.
  • detector Detector - This can be set to override the above. See Frictionless docs.
  • layout Layout - This can be set to override the above. See Frictionless docs.
  • schema Schema - This can be set to override the above. See Frictionless docs.


  • Dict[str,Dict] - Dictionary where keys are header names and values are dictionaries with keys from first column and values from other columns


def get_column_positions(headers: ListTuple[str]) -> Dict[str, int]


Get mapping of headers to column positions.


  • headers ListTuple[str] - List of headers


  • Dict[str,int] - Dictionary where keys are header names and values are header positions


def generate_downloaders(cls,
                         custom_configs: Dict[str, Dict],
                         user_agent: Optional[str] = None,
                         user_agent_config_yaml: Optional[str] = None,
                         user_agent_lookup: Optional[str] = None,
                         use_env: bool = True,
                         fail_on_missing_file: bool = True,
                         rate_limit: Optional[Dict] = None,
                         **kwargs: Any) -> None


Generate downloaders. Requires either global user agent to be set or appropriate user agent parameter(s) to be completed. The custom_configs dictionary is a mapping from name to a dictionary of custom configuration parameters that is added to the underlying session's params or headers. It can have keys that correspond to the input arguments of Download's constructor init (or the other arguments of this method).


  • custom_configs Dict[str, Dict] - Optional dictionary of custom configurations.
  • user_agent Optional[str] - User agent string. HDXPythonUtilities/X.X.X- is prefixed.
  • user_agent_config_yaml Optional[str] - Path to YAML user agent configuration. Ignored if user_agent supplied. Defaults to ~/.useragent.yaml.
  • user_agent_lookup Optional[str] - Lookup key for YAML. Ignored if user_agent supplied.
  • use_env bool - Whether to read environment variables. Defaults to True.
  • fail_on_missing_file bool - Raise an exception if any specified configuration files are missing. Defaults to True.
  • rate_limit Optional[Dict] - Rate limiting per host eg. {"calls": 1, "period": 0.1}. Defaults to None.
  • **kwargs - See below
  • auth Tuple[str, str] - Authorisation information in tuple form (user, pass) OR
  • basic_auth str - Authorisation information in basic auth string form (Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) OR
  • basic_auth_file str - Path to file containing authorisation information in basic auth string form (Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
  • bearer_token str - Bearer token string OR
  • bearer_token_file str - Path to file containing bearer token string OR
  • extra_params_dict Dict[str, str] - Extra parameters to put on end of url as a dictionary OR
  • extra_params_json str - Path to JSON file containing extra parameters to put on end of url OR
  • extra_params_yaml str - Path to YAML file containing extra parameters to put on end of url
  • extra_params_lookup str - Lookup key for parameters. If not given assumes parameters are at root of the dict.
  • headers Dict - Additional headers to add to request.
  • use_auth str - If more than one auth found, specify which one to use, rather than failing.
  • status_forcelist ListTuple[int] - HTTP statuses for which to force retry. Defaults to (429, 500, 502, 503, 504).
  • allowed_methods ListTuple[str] - HTTP methods for which to force retry. Defaults to ("HEAD", "TRACE", "GET", "PUT", "OPTIONS", "DELETE").




def get_downloader(cls, name: Optional[str] = None) -> "Download"


Get a generated downloader given a name. If name is not supplied, the default one will be returned.


  • name Optional[str] - Name of downloader. Defaults to None (get default).


  • Download - Downloader object