
Session utilities for urls.


def get_session(user_agent: Optional[str] = None,
                user_agent_config_yaml: Optional[str] = None,
                user_agent_lookup: Optional[str] = None,
                use_env: bool = True,
                fail_on_missing_file: bool = True,
                verify: bool = True,
                retry_attempts: int = 5,
                backoff_factor: int = 1,
                **kwargs: Any) -> requests.Session


Set up and return Session object that is set up with retrying. Requires either global user agent to be set or appropriate user agent parameter(s) to be completed. If the EXTRA_PARAMS, BASIC_AUTH or BEARER_TOKEN environment variable is supplied, the extra_params* parameters will be ignored.


  • user_agent Optional[str] - User agent string. HDXPythonUtilities/X.X.X- is prefixed.
  • user_agent_config_yaml Optional[str] - Path to YAML user agent configuration. Ignored if user_agent supplied. Defaults to ~/.useragent.yaml.
  • user_agent_lookup Optional[str] - Lookup key for YAML. Ignored if user_agent supplied.
  • use_env bool - Whether to read environment variables. Defaults to True.
  • fail_on_missing_file bool - Raise an exception if any specified configuration files are missing. Defaults to True.
  • verify bool - Whether to verify SSL certificates. Defaults to True.
  • retry_attempts int - Number of retry attempts. Defaults to 5.
  • backoff_factor int - Backoff factor for retry. Defaults to 1 (0s, 2s, 4s, 8s, 16s, 32s).
  • **kwargs - See below
  • auth Tuple[str, str] - Authorisation information in tuple form (user, pass) OR
  • basic_auth str - Authorisation information in basic auth string form (Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) OR
  • basic_auth_file str - Path to file containing authorisation information in basic auth string form (Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) OR
  • bearer_token str - Bearer token string OR
  • bearer_token_file str - Path to file containing bearer token string OR
  • extra_params_dict Dict - Extra parameters to put on end of url as a dictionary OR
  • extra_params_json str - Path to JSON file containing extra parameters to put on end of url OR
  • extra_params_yaml str - Path to YAML file containing extra parameters to put on end of url
  • extra_params_lookup str - Lookup key for parameters. If not given assumes parameters are at root of the dict.
  • headers Dict - Additional headers to add to request.
  • use_auth str - If more than one auth found, specify which one to use, rather than failing.
  • status_forcelist ListTuple[int] - HTTP statuses for which to force retry. Defaults to (429, 500, 502, 503, 504).
  • allowed_methods ListTuple[str] - HTTP methods for which to force retry. Defaults to ("HEAD", "TRACE", "GET", "PUT", "OPTIONS", "DELETE").